• Figure Assembly, Priming, and Safety
• Painting and Basing
• Gaming and Basic Tactics
• How to Build an Army

Only $70US
Visit the Chicago Battle Bunker to purchase an Academy for yourself or a hobbyist in your life who would like to learn about the hobby and improve their skills.

Includes the items shown below. PLUS, a FREE box of models (valued at $35) upon completion of the program!

Ask staff for details.

Let a Games Workshop Specialist help
jump start your hobby!

LOCATION: 1524 Butterfield Road, Suite A, Downers Grove, IL 60515                       PHONE:  630-426-0120

Chicago Bunker Partners Up with
"Cool Guys Who Sit at Home"

Advance Orders...
Let a Games Workshop Specialist help
jump start your hobby!

Take the Academy Program
at the Chicago Bunker

• Figure Assembly, Priming, and Safety
• Painting and Basing
• Gaming and Basic Tactics
• How to Build an Army

Only $70US
Visit the Chicago Battle Bunker to purchase an Academy for yourself or a hobbyist in your life who would like to learn about the hobby and improve their skills.

Includes the items shown below. PLUS, a FREE box of models (valued at $35) upon completion of the program!

Ask staff for details.

Well its official! AP1 has joined forces with Chicago Bunker and has moved their headquarters. It was fitting considering that AP1 was started under the tutelage of Dan Duck, manager of the largest Games Workshop in North America. This is a exciting time for both AP1 and the Bunker. With their club growing into massive numbers, they needed a venue to hold their awesome events. And to celebrate this new marriage, AP1 hosted recruitment event which had a mega battle and the Bunker's first ever club BBQ party!

With Brian and Ernie handling the gaming aspect, Max took control of recruiting and AP1's very own chef, Eddie, managed the grill. With the great food followed an amazing epic mega battle that ended with a single decisive dice roll.

Brian Schlottman: Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who showed up to the event saturday. It was the probably the most most exciting game AP1 has thrown and the most successful. It literally came down to one dice roll. It was probably the best tied game I have ever been apart of. (and Joe its all your fault that it was a tie lol jk). I am also glad that we where able to have so many people show... This was definitely a great way to get AP1 going again. All that i know now is that we have another event being planned for June so plan for another great event. Again I want to thank everyone who showed up, even if you just came for the BBQ. Long Live AP1!!

by homer figueras on Thursday, May 13, 2010
"AP1" Moves Headquarters to Chicago Bunker
June 5th
June 5th
June 5th
June 5th
June 5th
June 5th

Gaming Club 101: Interview with AP1
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
GWChicagoBunker.com sits down with Ernie and Max, co-founders of one of the most successful gaming clubs in the Chicago land area, to ask them question on how they started their club. Lets find out how 2 guys started at the smallest Games Workshop in the country and has now blown up to have 40 plus members, club t-shirts and a banner, and also a popular Facebook page.

GWChicagoBunker.com: This is Homer from GWChicagoBunker.com and I'm here with Ernie and Max, co-founders of AP1, one of the most successful clubs in Chicago land area and I'm here to ask them a couple questions on how they started a club and give any insight that they can give to anyone interested in starting one. Lets start off by introducing yourselves to the GWChicagoBunker community.

Ernie: I'm Ernie and I work at the GW Woodfield store. Before I worked there, we did a lot of hobbying and 40K related stuff at the store and soon after we formed up AP1.

Max: I'm Maximilian. I've been in this hobby for about a year now and I found a bunch of cool guys and thought it would be a great idea to start up a club. So we put the greatest...